Camp FAQ

Q. How much does camp cost?

A. It costs $650 for a child to attend camp; however, after the $50 camper registration fee camp costs are covered! We ask you make a donation, if you are able. 

Q. When is registration due by?

A. Registration is due by May 31, 2025.  You will receive written communication in June with further camp details.

Q. Where can I find more information and/or register for camp?

A. Click on the "Contact Us" tab and follow the Google Form link to contact us!  If you're reading to register, hover on "Let's Camp" and click "Registration".

Q. Can my child meet some staff ahead of time to feel more comfortable attending camp?

A. Yes!  Bekah Kanable is always available for phone calls, virtual visits or camp tours to make sure every camper feels comfortable attending!  You can reach her using the Contact Us Google Form on the "Contact Us" page.

Q. What if my child has an allergy, requires medication or other health related needs?

A. The registration form for camp requests all this information and is communicated to appropriate camp staff.

Q. We're not sure we can get our child to and from camp, are there transportation options?

A. Click on the "Contact Us" tab and follow the Google Form link to contact us, let us know your concern and we'll work with you to set up possible drop-off & pick-up options for Sunday and Thursday.

Q. What if we're not sure staying overnight is the right option?

A. Click on the "Contact Us" tab and follow the Google Form link to contact us, let us know your concern and we'll work with you to set up possible drop-off & pick-up options each day.

Q. Is technology allowed at camp?

A. No, this is a wilderness experience.  Phones/tablets/games will be collected and safely stored in the camp's Main Building and returned to students when parents arrive for pick-up.  However, if your student uses technology as a form of alternative communication  it will be available to the student and greatly taken care of.

Q. How can my child and I fundraise for camp?

A. Some ideas include:

1. Prepare a short statement of intent for local businesses/churches and mail your request for a small donation of support

If your student feels comfortable presenting for practice, make appointments to visit them

2. Have a bake sale, car wash or provide another service to raise money - include a sign so others know what they are supporting!

3. Ask family & friends - use the Brochure to explain why you're raising money